
  • ISBN:9789575383275
  • 規格:平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >



相信大家無論是在翻譯、寫作,亦或是練習口語的時候,都免不了需要一些過渡句或者過渡詞組。 那麼今天,小編就給大家帶來20個超級常用的萬能過渡詞組。 具體都有哪些呢?一起來看看吧! ... 01 那就是(說)……;亦即…… That is to say, ... Namely, ... 02 基於這個理由,... For this reason, ... 03 我們有理由相信... We have reasons to believe (that)... 04 事實上,... As a matter of fact, ... in effect, ... 05 例如... For example,... Take...for example. 06 此外,我們不應忽視..…… Besides(In addition), we should not neglect... 07 相反,... on the contrary,... by contrast,... 08 另一方面,... For another thing,... On the other hand,... ... 09 然而很可惜的是... However,it is a pity that... 10 換句話說,... in other words... to put it differently 11 從那以後,我發現... Ever since then,I have found that... 12 更嚴重的是..…… What is more serious is (that)... What is worse is (that)... 13 鑒於...的實際需要…… In view of the practical need of... 14 通過做這些...,我們一定可以... By doing..., we surely can... Through these..., we are bound to... 15 如此,我相信…… In this way, I believe (that)... 16 唯有通力合作,我們才能…… Only with combined efforts can we... Only by cooperation, we can... ... 17 最後,但並非不重要的是... Last but not least,... 18 由於這些理由,我... For these reasons, I... Owing to these reasons, I... 19 總而言之,... In conclusion,... To sum up,... 因此,我們可以得出結論... Therefore, we can make a conclusion that... 20 從我的觀點來看…… From my point of view, ... In my personal view, ... 作者:滬江英語 喜歡請多多關注學府翻譯哦~









壹讀 https://read01.com/gRnDzRy.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010542137




霧峰失眠治療有效中醫診所 豐原打嗝中醫推薦 網友都推薦的中醫診所大雅壓力大中醫推薦 豐原睡眠障礙治療有效中醫診所 負責任會傾聽需求的中醫診所南屯自律神經失調中醫推薦 西屯倦怠、疲勞看什麼科 這間中醫診所很大推西屯大量出汗改善中醫診所 南屯失眠治療中醫 把脈超神的中醫診所


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